教育部為符應國際趨勢,並為落實十二年國民基本教育「自發、互動、共好」的理念,培養學生「多元文化與國際理解」的核心素養,在2020年5月公布《中小學國際教育白皮書2.0版》,此白皮書以「接軌國際、鏈結全球」為願景,實施期程為六年(2020 年至 2025 年),期望達成「培育全球公民、促進教育國際化及拓展全球交流」三項目標。本校校訂課程以推動國際教育定位,而「學校本位」與「融入課程」為國際教育推動執行面的兩大關鍵方向,因此為符應十二年國民基本教育課程綱要「自發」、「互動」、「共好」之內涵目標,本校校訂課程設計理念從學校願景延伸出五大理念:生活化live、樂趣性interesting、重體驗operating、沉浸式immersive、成就感 achievement,並將國際教育融入各學科領域,或設計國際教育課程模組,提升外語、全球議題、文化課程學習及資訊科技運用能力等,進行課程國際化的深度實踐。
【Course Description】
In response to the international trend, the Ministry of Education announced the "International Education White Paper Version 2.0" in May 2020. "International Education White Paper Version 2.0", has the vision of "integrating with the world and linking the world", and the implementation period is six years (2020 to 2025). It is expected to achieve three goals as "Cultivating Global Citizens, Promoting the Internationalization of Education, and Expanding Global Exchanges."
The school’s curriculum designed to promote the positioning of International Education. “School-based” and “Integrated Curriculum” are key directions for the promotion of international education. To meet the connotation goals of "Spontaneous", "Interactive" and "Shared good" in the National 12-year Basic Education policy, the curriculum design concept extends from the school vision five concepts: living life, fun and interesting, re-experiencing operating, immersive, sense of achievement. Incorporate International Education into various subjects, or design International Education curriculum modules to enhance foreign language, global issues, cultural curriculum learning and information technology application capabilities, and carry out in-depth practice of curriculum internationalization.
From 2019, the curriculum structure has been coordinated with the Bilingual Education curriculum planning, introducing the PBL subject-based teaching method, and presenting the subject curriculum context with a mind map. The curriculum based on the local area, incorporating school characteristics, calendars and local festivals and other activities. The curriculum plan is also based on the semester schedule, combined with English teaching content, festivals, local culture and International Education issues. The themes include: Buildings, Food, Sports, Transportation, Travel and Clothing, leading students to understand their own country first and then the world. From 2021, the theme of Science will be added, starting with 3rd and 4th grades and incorporating the application of natural, humanities and information to explore life issues. From 2023, the science theme extends to 5th grade, and combined with project of National Academy for Educational Research. The theme for 5th grade is from exploring life to solving life problems. Until now, all the themes continued to revise and adjust the content of the curriculum through the review and feedback from each teacher and student.