

中高年級 建立日期 2024-09-11 17:09:54


This course is a separately and professional course, which mainly starts from the students’ life experience, combining Astronomy, Geology, Biology, Physics, Chemistry and other popular science knowledge. Let students practice and use their brains to solve problems, and learn from exploration. This course will also let students understand how to share creativity with others. The curriculum design is also integrated into the Base School Project, with thematic research of bionic animals, solar panels and induction lights.


課程目標 Course Objectives:

核心素養Core literacy

國際教育議題實質內涵Substantial connotation





A3. Planning Execution and Innovative Application

B1. Symbol Use and Communication Expression

C3. Multiculturalism and International Understanding

國 E2 發展具國際視野的本土認同。

國 E4 了解國際文化的多樣性。

國 E6 區辨衝突與和平的特質。

國 E8 體認國際能力養成的重要性。

國 E12 觀察生活中的全球議題,並構思生活行動策略。

National E2 – To develop a local identity with an international perspective.

National E4 – To understand the diversity of international culture.

National E6 – To distinguish the characteristics of conflict and peace.

National E8 – To recognize the importance of international competence development.

National E12 – To observe global issues in life and conceive strategies for action in life.


1. 三年級上學期課程概述 1 2024-09-11 17:13:59
2. 三年級下學期課程概述 2 2024-09-11 17:15:07
3. 四年級上學期課程概述 1 2024-09-11 17:16:03
4. 四年級下學期課程概述 1 2024-09-11 17:16:36
5. 五年級上學期課程概述 1 2024-09-11 17:17:17
6. 五年級下學期課程概述 1 2024-09-11 17:17:50
7. 六年級上學期課程概述 1 2024-09-11 17:18:28
8. 六年級下學期課程概述 1 2024-09-11 17:18:57

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