

三年級 建立日期 2021-08-09 15:21:58

青埔國小雙語創新教學自109學年度起增加三年級、110學年度延伸到四年級,設定教學範圍為英語、體育、美勞及綜合領域課程,再加上學校特色課程之國際教育,分別由各班導師、英語教師及外籍教師共同教學。而110學年度中年級綜合領域教材,選用教育部規定課本及國外教材-All Together,由中年級導師負責教育部制定課程進度,外籍教師則負責國外教材課程設計。兩者課程教材搭配執行,並保有相互關聯性,因此每個月都會透過固定雙語會議進行討論或修正。


    課程範圍必須以教育部制定的主題為主,三年級上學期課程範圍主要是自我介紹、情緒觀察、興趣專長、安全生活及生活技能,結合All Together 3Our Class. My Week. My Favorite Season. My Hobby單元。下學期課程暫定以人際溝通、學習經驗、校園美化、環保綠生活、社區文化為主,規畫結合All Together 3Wild Animals. Food. Jobs. Let’s Travel等單元。

Bilingual innovation teaching in Qingpu Elementary School has increased to Grade 3 since 2020, and extended to Grade 4 in 2021. The scope of teaching is set to courses in English, PE, Art, and Integrative Activities. In addition, there is a school characteristic course-International Education. The Integrative Activities and International Education courses are taught jointly by each homeroom teachers, local teachers and foreign teachers. Integrative Activities textbooks for Grades 3 & 4 are from the Ministry of Education and foreign textbooks - All Together. However, the two course textbooks must be related to each other, so it needs to be discussed or revised through regular meetings.

    The evaluation methods of Integrative Activities are as follows.

  1. It mainly conducted through worksheets, class presentations, demonstrations of theme activities and kids’ attitudes to learning.
  2. Teachers’ classroom records to observe what students are doing during the activities.
  3. Students' achievements and works, which can be archives of history, activity experience reports, production, etc. And they can be archived in the form of video tapes, photos and ppt.

The scope of the course must be based on the theme set by the Ministry of Education.

For Grade 3, the course scopes of the first semester are Self-Introduction, Emotion Observation, Interest Expertise, Safe Living and Life Skills, which combined with All Together 3 -Our Class. My Week. Let’s Travel. My Hobby. The curriculum for the second semester will tentatively scheduled to focus on Interpersonal communication, Learning Experience, Campus Beautification, Environmental Protection and Green Life, Community Culture, and plan to combined with All Together 3 - My Favorite Season .Wild Animals. Food. Jobs.


1. 課程大綱 Syllabus for 2nd semester 541 2022-03-15 13:37:21
2. 課程大綱 Syllabus for 1st semester 299 2022-03-15 13:35:38

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